Collagen is a key structural component of smooth, healthy-looking skin. As you age, however, your body’s collagen production decreases. In fact, you lose about 1% of collagen per year after the age of 20. This is when you may start to notice the formation of wrinkles. Luckily, Sculptra Aesthetic can help, even if decades of collagen loss have already occurred.
How Sculptra Works
Sculptra treatments typically require three injection sessions that are spread apart over the course of six to eight weeks apart. The specific number of injections varies from patient to patient depending on their unique aesthetic goals.
The Sculptra injectable targets the cause of facial aging directly and begins to reinforce the structure of the skin by promoting increased production of collagen. It works from the inside out to gradually restore fullness while treating deep wrinkles and folds.
Sculptra is commonly used to treat common signs of aging, including:
- Marionette lines
- Chin wrinkles
- Gaunt cheeks
- Nasolabial folds
Candidates for Sculptra
If you are currently experiencing loss of facial volume or have noticed the formation of deep folds and wrinkles, you will make a suitable candidate for Sculptra. During your consultation, Dr. Balikian or his Aesthetic injectors will give an honest assessment of what he or she thinks would benefit you. We are known for being conservative but still effective. We prefer to start conservatively and want you to look like you, only more refreshed. Our goal is to have you look in the mirror and look as good as you feel.
How Much Will Your Sculptra Treatment Cost?
The cost of your Sculptra treatment will be determined by the overall complexity of the procedure and the number of sessions required to achieve your ideal look. We will develop a customized treatment plan to fit your individual needs, then talk to you about the cost that you can expect to pay for your Sculptra treatment.
Aspire Rewards
A loyalty program also exists for treatments of Dysport, Restylane, Restylane Silk and Sculptra. This program is called Aspire. Earn money just for signing up, and as your participation increases, so do your rewards. Call our office at any time at (951) 719-2950 to get started.